EDUR8030 – Technology-enhanced Learning from Learning Design and Organizational Change Perspectives

Course outline


Digital Portfolio: students will develop an e-portfolio which comprises the artifacts they reviewed as well as reflections on each of the topics covered in the module, providing samples of TEL design and/or practice, as relevant. Peers will review and provide formal comments on the quality of student e-portfolios.

Assessment 40% module

  1. Identify key areas of the literature in TEL
  2. Demonstrate understanding of TEL as underpinned by learning theories and pedagogical principles in its design and use, as well as the need for appropriate teacher learning and leadership support for its implementation
  3. Demonstrate understanding of multiple literacies through the development of an effective eportfolio
  4. Evidence evaluation skills through critiquing peer e-portfolios

Literature review paper of not more than 4000 words. This is the revised
version of the draft submitted to the online conference system. Submitted by October 29, 2013 to and review others’ work by November 10, 2013. Revise the Literature Review and submit the final draft.
Assessment 60% module


  1. Identify key areas of the literature in TEL and demonstrate understanding of how these relate to an identified area of research interest
  2. Evidence ability of revise writing, taking into account peer critical reviews of student eportfolios


See also

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