EEDD6900 – Issues in Education

Course outline

In this module, student achievement will be assessed on the basis of integrating the assessment with the learning. This means that you will be required to demonstrate your deep personal engagement with the course through individual and group tasks on a continuous basis. Your assessment will involve the following individual and group tasks:

As an individual:
i) a reflective blog based on readings (50%)

As a group member:
ii) a group poster representing the different theoretical and empirical dimensions of
an educational issue (50%)

i. Reflective blog
Between sessions 2 and 7, you should write a comment of about 200 words reflecting on key learning points or questions arising from the readings or other preparatory materials provided. This should be posted in the ‘forum’ section on the moodle site for the module. Participants will be required to post comments in advance of each class, in order for the guest lecturer to have an opportunity to review them. Your blog will be visible only to fellow group members and to the tutor.

Please post comments by no later than midnight on the Wednesday prior to the next Saturday session.

Following the final session (23rd November), you should collate your 6 blogs (of 200 words) and add a summary reflection of approximately 800 words. This should identify your main learning points and further reflections based on any aspect of the module including the class activities, lectures, readings and peer interactions. Please write your blog in the first person singular.

Deadline for submission of completed reflective blog: 23rd December, 2013
Personal learning points refer to anything important or significant you feel that you have learnt on the basis of your reading. You might also wish to express scepticism, criticism or uncertainty. Questions should indicate areas where you are seeking further knowledge or understanding, considering areas for personal development, or putting forward criticisms of theory or practice.

Assessment criteria for the reflective blog:
a) demonstrates a deep personal engagement with the readings, lectures and other learning activities;
b) reflects uncertainties and questions as well as new knowledge and understanding; and
c) stays within the word limit (2,000 words in total) and is posted in a timely manner according to the weekly deadline and the final deadline for the submission of the completed reflective blog

ii. Group poster
The class will be divided into 5 groups of about 4 students (5 maximum). Each group will identify an educational issue of mutual interest. The group members will research and critically evaluate the literature resulting in the presentation on 23rd November 2013 in week 8 of a poster as part of a poster tour. You will be allocated to your group randomly. All group members will receive the same grade.

Each group will be allocated HK$300 to facilitate the production of a poster on a professional basis. There is a printing shop located nearby HKU on Pokfulam Road or other professional banner production companies. You may use any supplier but you will need to settle the printing cost first and then get reimbursed by providing the official receipt to the Ms. Sharon Lim in the Office of Research.

The assessment criteria for the poster will be based on the extent to which it:
a. Provides a clear, comprehensive and imaginative visual summary of the issue;
b. Draws on an appropriate range of sources including journal papers;
c. Explains links, contradictions and similarities within the literature;
d. Raises new questions about the issue; and
e. Encourages fellow students to actively engage with the issue in some way.

Peer feedback will contribute to the grade for the group poster on the basis of written comments given on the day of the poster tour (23rd November). Each group should provide a box for the posting of written comments on this day and these will be collected at the end of the poster tour to inform the assessment process.

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